Homeowner forms/resources

State Farm® is dedicated to helping you recover your losses quickly and efficiently. We've provided forms and other resources below to guide you during your loss recovery.

Instructions to create your personal property list

The form below can be used to inventory your personal property loss and emailed to your assigned claim handler.

  1. Click your state to download the form.
  2. Complete columns B through J for each item. Additional detailed instructions are included in the template under the “Claim Info and Instructions” tab.
  3. Return the completed form to State Farm via e-mail at statefarmfireclaims@statefarm.com with your claim number as the subject.
  4. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact your claim handler.

Other resources

Report a claim or contact your State Farm agent if you have a stolen property claim or any further questions.

Visit the How to Create a Home Inventory website to help you compile a Home Inventory Checklist in the event that you have a future loss.

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Why State Farm?

State Farm has always based its business on one principle: integrity. We'll make sure you get your life back on track in case the unexpected happens.

Learn more about State Farm claims