Looking down the staircase at a flooded basement and a water-filled bucket at the bottom of the stairs.

Whole house water leak detection systems

Floods aren’t the only way water enters a home and causes damage to the foundation, the drywall and your property. Water damage is also not limited to basement flooding. It can happen in a bathroom, laundry room, on the first floor or on the second floor. Regardless of the cause, a water leak detection system could help safeguard your home and prevent damage from water leaks.

How does a water leak detector work?

An automatic water shutoff valve device detects potential water leaks by either monitoring flows in the pipe or by detecting water on the floor. When flow is irregular or moisture is detected, the valve will automatically shut off the water supply to your home. This may help prevent a significant amount of the damage that water leaks can cause.

What are some types of water leak detection systems?

The following is a list of some manufacturers with their contact information. The descriptions were provided by the manufacturers and were not created by State Farm®.

[Other products with similar safety features may be available on the market. This list is not meant to be a complete list nor does it imply that State Farm has tested these products for performance. State Farm neither endorses nor guarantees the performance of these products. Check with your contractor, local building official, the product manufacturer or supplier to find the appropriate device for your situation.]

  • A1 Water Hero® - Smartphone Controlled, Internet Connected
    Phone: 617-819-4376 or email: info@waterheroinc.com
    Affordable, smartphone controlled whole home leak protection that provides peace-of-mind and saves money on your water bill. Features include remote and/or automatic water shutoff and text/email alerts. Call or e-mail today and mention "StateFarmVIP" for exclusive discount and lock-in FREE temperature freeze alerts for life. Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed!1

  • Actuated Water Security Solutions - Need Help?
    Phone: 888-356-5644 or email: info@wssus.com
    As product consultants and distributors, we help you choose compatible and insurance-compliant water leak detection systems to fit your home and lifestyle! Discounted leak defense for commercial and residential single-family homes and multifamily high-rise condos with basic or internet or smart home connected flow and sensor systems: Alert Labs – Flo by Moen – FloLogic - FloodStop – Phyn – WaterCop – Water Hero - LeakSmart and more! Order with Promo Code "SF1" or mention State Farm for discounts up to 20% off MRSF on appliance based and whole-house systems for best prices.1

  • DynaQuip Controls - WaterCop Leak Detection and Automatic Water Shutoff System
    Phone: 800-545-3636 or email: info@watercop.com
    WaterCop is a time-tested, proven leader in leak detection and automated shutoff solutions for more than 20 years. Our expansive product line offers innovative and advanced technology and we specialize in custom solutions for single family, multi-family and commercial applications. The product line includes a single-point shutoff system and whole house shutoff systems with a Single, Dual, Indoor, Outdoor, Large Valve (up to 4") and SmartConnect Wi-Fi mobile app. Our products are built in the USA using industrial strength, made-to-last and durable materials. We are proud recipient of "Best In Water Leak Detection" and "Top 5 Home Technology Trends" awards in 2020 and 2021. Trust the experts when you are looking for the solution that meets your needs. Contact us to learn more about possible discounts available at 800-545-3636.

  • FloLogic, Inc. - The FloLogic System
    Phone: 877-FloLogic (877-356-5644) or enter coupon code STFMINS18F
    at www.flologic.com to receive 15% off the list price of a 1", 1.5" or 2" FloLogic System with or without the WiFi option.1 The FloLogic System delivers premium protection through its EverWatch technology — capable of catching leaks throughout a plumbing supply, as small as a tablespoon-per-minute in real time. The FloLogic app lets users monitor usage, receive shutoff alerts and control their plumbing from anywhere. The USA-made, cast bronze valve is rated for indoor or outdoor installation and carries a 5-year warranty with battery backup.

  • Give Systems Inc. - Aqua-Stop
    Phone: 800-681-7045 or email: give@aqua-stop.com
    Systems specifically designed for multi-condo, high rise buildings (new or old buildings with high level of difficulty in wireless transmission signals). Global supervision — multi-building monitoring with system owned by the client. Alarms — emails — SMS — telephone.
  • GreenField Direct - PipeBurst Pro
    Phone: 800-246-LEAK (5325) or email: info@greenfielddirect.com
    Complete home and business water protection with FloMeter and Point of Protection options. Monitor and control your water from anywhere in the world with Internet access. Contact PipeBurst Pro and mention State Farm to receive up to a 20% discount off the current retail price from your local dealer/distributor. Not available with any other discounts.1

1 Offer valid until December 31, 2023.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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