Articles for infants and toddlers
Preparing for a baby
Put these to-dos on your list to get ready for a baby.
Traveling with a toddler
Make toddler travel easy and stress-free with these tricks.
Choosing a safe baby crib
Create a safe sleep environment for your infant with these tips.
Buying the best child car seat
One of your most important parental purchases: the life-saving car seat
Car seats and child passenger safety
Learn current car seat safety guidelines and backseat safety to help keep your child safe.
Articles about children safety
When can you leave kids home alone?
Here's what parents and children need to know.
Teaching your kids emergency preparedness
Weather emergencies may scare your kids, but helping them understand what to expect can help reduce the stress.
Young kids and window safety
These safety precautions can help prevent a tragic fall.
Effective hand washing: An important step in good health
Are you washing your hands enough, properly and at the right times?
Protect kids from pesticides
There are many ways for children to pick up pesticides. Here are some tips to recognize and avoid them.
Protect your kids from heatstroke in hot cars
It's important to protect kids from extreme heat, so read these car safety pointers.
The effects of too much screen time and how to reduce adverse effects on children's health
Too much TV, computer, phone and game time can have plenty of negative effects for kids.
How to prevent pediatric burns
Children can get burned in numerous ways. Here are steps you can take to prevent pediatric burns.
Articles for outdoor activities
Chillin' and grillin': Check out our charcoal and gas grilling safety tips
Avoid some of the most common grilling dangers.
Tips for outdoor playground equipment and trampolines
Outdoor play can cause injuries. Learn trampoline safety and more ways to play safer.
Camping safety made simple
Choose your campground and pack for a comfortable experience with these camping safety tips.
Stay warm and safe during winter activities
Use these tips to help reduce the risks related to cold and keep you safe during your winter activities.
Stay warm and safe during winter activities
Use these tips to help reduce the risks related to cold and keep you safe during your winter activities.
Bike safety for kids
Once kids learn to ride a bike, they can benefit from learning bike safety such as wearing helmets, which routes to take and how to “ride right” with the flow of traffic.
Articles for back to school
School bus safety tips
Whether it's back to school time or later during the school year, here are some tips about school bus safety rules for children, parents and school bus drivers.
Your guide to playground safety
Help keep the play fun, not dangerous.
Ways to save money on back to school shopping
These back to school shopping tips can help you avoid overspending on school supplies and buying duplicate items.
Teen Mentoring: The power of a positive role model
Discover the difference a mentor can make and how you can become one.
Change a life: Mentor a child
Become a reading mentor and you can help boost literacy, one child at a time.
Articles about family activities
Kid friendly volunteer opportunities
Help your kids find their volunteering passion.
Halloween safety tips
Safety suggestions for trick or treaters, drivers and homeowners providing treats.
Ideas to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day
Love-your-planet activities for everyone in your family.
How to start volunteering and love it
Find the right fit to help your community and feed your passion.
The impact of your volunteer hours
There are countless ways to volunteer in community efforts that don't take lots of time.
Articles about children and money
Teaching children to save and invest
Help children set goals for their money to set up a lifetime of good financial habits.
Teaching kids how to save for college
Teach your kids good financial habits.
Child identity theft: A hidden but real danger
Thieves use children's information for credit fraud, so don't let it go undiscovered.
The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.