Rear visibility technology
Most new vehicles are now equipped with this life-saving feature that can help prevent accidents.
As of May 2018 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) ruled that all new vehicles be equipped with rear visibility technology. Backup camera systems are now the "new" standard in car manufacturing. Keep reading for statistics that support the need for this technology and precautions you can take to prevent back over accidents.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration many fatalities involve backover incidents. The majority involve children. Around 50 children a week are injured in back over accident because the driver didn't see them.
The facts on backup camera systems
Backup camera systems which must cover a 10-foot by 20-foot zone behind a vehicle can help prevent these types of accidents. According to NHTSA, "Rearview video systems are not a replacement for mirrors or turning around to look; rather, they're an added safety tool for revealing hidden dangers."
Always review your vehicle's owner's manual for more information on that particular vehicle's technology and safety features.
What parents can do to protect their children
Parents, and all drivers, too, can take extra precautions to protect children from an accident.
- Discourage kids from playing in driveways or around parked vehicles.
- Trim landscaping around driveways and sidewalks to increase visibility.
- Talk to children about safety around parked cars. Keep your eye out for dangers and hold little ones' hands.
- Walk around your vehicle and scan for hazards before backing out. Ask any kids nearby to stand a safe distance from the vehicle.
- Turn the radio off and roll down windows to better see and hear your surroundings. Back out slowly and cautiously, and always check your mirrors.
- Clean your vehicle's backup camera regularly to remove built-up road grime and snow.
If your vehicle doesn't have a backup camera, you can purchase an aftermarket system to install on the license plate holder, bumper or hitch.
Will my insurance premiums decrease if my vehicle has a backup camera?
It's unlikely that you'll save money on your auto insurance by having a backup camera. The reason behind this is it's a fairly new technology. It takes time to study the effectiveness of these technologies to determine if there's actually a benefit to lowering crash claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute.
There are, however, six standard car components that some auto insurers have found discount-worthy. They include:
- Air bags
- Anti-lock brakes
- Seat belts
- Crash-resistant doors
- Electronic stability control
- Daytime running lights
Contact your local agent to see if you are eligible for discounts on your policy.