Forms and tax document

State Farm® 529 savings plans forms

Forms to keep for your records

State Farm Customer Relationship Summary

Review and discuss with State Farm registered representative before opening an account.

State Farm 529 Savings Plan Scope of Service

Review prior to completing the 529 Savings Plan Account Enrollment Form.

State Farm 529 Savings Plan Program Disclosure Statement

Review and discuss with State Farm registered representative before opening an account.

Forms to complete for a new account

State Farm 529 Savings Plan Account Enrollment Form

Download and complete with help from a State Farm registered representative.

529 Plan Account Suitability Form

The form is provided by and completed with a State Farm registered representative.

529 Plan Account Incoming Rollover Form (if applicable)

Request a direct rollover from another 529 Plan or Coverdell Education Savings Account.

Account Service and Change Forms

529 Plan Account Beneficiary Change Form

Change the beneficiary on an existing plan or transfer a portion of the account assets to a new beneficiary's account.

529 Plan Account Additional Contribution Form

Make an additional contribution to a State Farm 529 Savings Plan.

529 Plan Account Withdrawal Request Form

Request a full or partial Qualified or Non-Qualified Withdrawal from your State Farm 529 Savings Plan, or an indirect rollover out.

529 Plan Account Investment Option Change Form

Request an investment option change (allowed twice per calendar year) or change future contribution allocations.

Start, change, or stop payroll direct deposit instructions on your existing State Farm 529 Savings Plan.

529 Plan Account Features

Start, change, or stop automatic bank transfers or add or change bank information for electronic contributions.

529 Plan Account Limited Power of Attorney

Designate an individual, corporation, or other entity as your agent with limited authority to act on your Plan.

529 Plan Account Organization Resolution

Identifies the officers or other persons who are authorized to conduct transactions on State Farm 529 Savings Plan Account(s) on behalf of an organization.

529 Plan Account Power of Attorney

Designate an individual, corporation, or other entity as your agent with complete authority to act on your Plan.

Trusted Contact Person Designation Form

529 Plan Privacy Statement

State Farm Direct Fund Transfer Form

State Farm Account Owner Change Form

State Farm Change of Account Successor Add or Change Form

State Farm Account Update Form

Tax forms

Summary of Tax Forms

Read through this summary to learn more about tax forms.

Dividends and Capital Gains

This document contains information about dividends and capital gains.

Overview of Mutual Funds Taxation

This document will provide you basic information about taxation on mutual funds.

Cost Basis

Correctly determining the cost basis of your shares is important for properly calculating your capital gain or loss for your federal income tax return. This document provides information about cost basis.

Use these tables when preparing your income tax returns.

IRS form 8937


State Farm (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates) is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites hyperlinked from this page. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the hyperlinked, third party site. Access to third party sites is at the user's own risk, is being provided for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such third party sites.

Neither State Farm® nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.

Before investing in a 529 plan, consider the plans investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Contact the plan issuer for an official statement containing this and other information. Read it carefully.

Investing involves risk, including potential for loss.

Investors should consider before investing whether their or their beneficiary's home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in such state's qualified tuition program and should consult their tax advisor, attorney and/or other advisor regarding their specific legal, investment or tax situation.

Not FDIC Insured* | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value
(*Except the Bank Savings Investment Option)
